Norris Paddling Adventures is a recreational boat rental facility that stresses value as well as affordability. They are located at Norris Dam Marina. They provide self-guided rentals in top of the line watercraft; single, fishing tandem kayaks, canoes, Stand-Up Paddle Boards and Hydrobikes, for a 1-hour paddle, 2-4 hr. ‘half day’ tour for time to picnic, swim and explore or a full day Lake adventure. Individuals to medium size groups of all ages and skill levels, including young children are welcome. Their experienced staff can also provide guided excursions. Norris Lake is magnificent body of water; clear, mellow and serene… warming to comfortable swimming temperatures in summer and flanked by a beautiful State Park and Wildlife Sanctuary filled with an abundance of wildlife. Norris Paddling Adventures provides all the equipment needed and instruction for beginning boaters.

Marina Driveway
Rocky Top, Tennessee
Contact Information:
Phone: 865-498-9951
Website: Paddle Norris Lake
Facebook: Visit